March 17, 2014

A Conversation With Ruby About Appropriate Places to Pee

About three-quarters of all the showers Ruby has ever taken have been with me. We were all set to get into the shower this afternoon:

Ruby: I have to pee.

Me: Okay, go ahead.

Ruby: I'll wait.

Me: No, go now.

Ruby: I'll just pee in the shower.

Me: Uh, no, you won't just pee in the shower. That's disgusting!

Ruby: It's not disgusting! It goes right down the drain!

Me: Do not pee in the shower. Oh, my God. Do you pee in the shower?

Ruby: I always pee in the shower.

Me: I don't want you to pee in the shower ever again. Never, ever again.

Ruby: But it's fun! 

Me: Well, from now on, you can take your showers with Daddy.

Unbelievable! By my calculations, I've been peed on in the shower approximately 312 times.

Previous post: A Telephone Conversation with a Technophobe


  1. Well, by conservative estimate I have suffered some type of excrement event more than a thousand times growing up on the farm. None of them were fatal, although all of them were pretty damn disgusting by city folk standards. If you don't have a pretty strong stomach, don't ever get me started on cleaning out barns and fertilizing fields with that wonderful invention the manure spreader!!!

    1. Yeah, I'd rather have my four-year-old pee on me in the shower. At least I'm getting clean while it's happening!
